Competitive, Quality Hauliers’ Insurance

Want to save money on your haulage insurance? Let the haulage insurance specialists at Instatruck compare our markets to find you the cover that’s right for you. Instatruck can offer you competitive hauliers’ insurance and hauliers’ liability insurance quotes for a wide range of goods, whether they are being moved by land, sea, or air, so call us on 01332 320540 for a quote.

Instatruck: The UK’s Leading Truck Insurance Price Comparison Service

Haulage insurance is a specialism of Instatruck, the UK’s leading truck insurance price comparison service.  To get your hauliers’ insurance quote, call the Instatruck team on 01332 320540 or start your haulage insurance quote today.  Our independent team will compare their markets to find you competitive cover that doesn’t compromise on quality.

What Is Haulage Insurance?

Haulage insurance, or hauliers’ liability insurance as it’s also known, was designed for businesses and haulage contractors who move large volumes of other people’s goods to one or two destinations for a fee.  It not only covers goods while they are being moved, but while they are in your care, custody, and control.  Put simply, if you’re moving more than 3.5 tonnes of goods for payment then you’d be wise to get a haulage insurance quote.

Owing to the nature of haulage services and the significant amount of goods they move; goods are often one of an operator’s greatest risks.  Haulage Insurance therefore protects owners against threats such as theft, accident, loss and damage while they are being moved.

Truck Fleet
Who Needs Haulage Insurance?

If your business transports large volumes of other people’s goods using trucks or heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) then you should consider getting a haulage insurance quote.  Given it protects goods that are being moved to one or two destinations only, it’s suitable for:

  • Haulage firms
  • Removals businesses
  • Freight forwarders
  • Businesses delivering customers’ goods

What Can Haulage Insurance Cover?

Haulage insurance through Instatruck can protect your cargo and your business against a range of risks.  Hauliers insurance through Instatruck can be provided for any type of goods carried and handled, and a policy can cover risks including:

  • Loss of goods – if you accidentally lose some or all of the goods you’re carrying, your haulage insurance will cover the loss up to the limit set in your policy
  • Damage to goods – if your cargo is damaged while being moved, then you can make a claim to cover the replacement of the goods.  This not only covers breakage but risks such as water damage or damaged packaging
  • Theft – vehicle-related thefts are on the rise* in the UK with HGVs and trucks being particular targets for thieves.  If you’re unlucky enough to become a victim, then the theft element of your haulage insurance will cover any losses
  • Hauliers’ liability insurance – this is one of the most important aspects of a haulage insurance policy.  Hauliers’ liability insurance can give hauliers two forms of liability insurance protection:
  • Public liability insurance – if you or one of your drivers is responsible for accidentally causing injury or damaging the property of a member of the public and they decide to take legal action against you, it will help with the costs of mounting a defence and paying any compensation awards
  • Employers’ liability insurance – EL insurance as it’s also known – protects haulage businesses from compensation claims from their employees should they be sued by staff for loss or injury at work.  If you have any employees, be they full-time, part-time, or contracted, then having EL insurance of at least £5m is a legal requirement.  Owing to the hazardous nature of the haulage industry, many hauliers take out cover with limits of £10m.  The health and safety of your employees are essential, and you are legally required to uphold that responsibility from incidents such as:
    –  Someone having an accident at work
    – A member of staff developing a medical condition owing to their job
    – One of your team having their property damaged while at work
  • Personal effects – as an HGV driver, you’ll likely have personal possessions in your vehicle.  Personal effects insurance provides financial protection if any of your things are stolen or damaged while out on a job
  • All-risks haulage insurance – this can cover a wide range of risks and equipment, including cover for third-party trailers and containers of up to £75,000
  • EU and worldwide protection – if your business does European or even longer runs, then you can have your haulage insurance cover you for these foreign travels
  • Contingency insurance for subcontractors – also known as contingent public liability insurance, this covers you should a subcontractor be held liable for damage or injury and their insurance fails to pay out.  It protects you when another policy has been invalidated
How Much Does Haulage Insurance Cost?

There’s no simple answer to that question – particularly as at Instatruck we’ll compare various providers and build our cover around your business’s needs.  What we can say is that your hauliers’ insurance quote will be decided upon by things such as:

  • The value of the goods you’re carrying
  • The routes you are working
  • Your claims history
  • Whether you want to pay monthly or annually – annually will usually be cheaper
  • Your no-claims bonus
  • The turnover of your business
  • The length of the runs you’re doing
  • The type of goods you are carrying – hazardous goods will push up your premiums
If you’d like to know how much a haulage insurance policy will cost your business, then contact Instatruck today.  We’ll compare our markets to find you the right cover at the right price.  You can call us on 01332 320540 or start your hauliers’ insurance quote here.

Haulage Insurance FAQ

To help you get the haulage insurance that’s right for your business, here are Instatruck’s haulage insurance frequently asked questions.  We hope they will be of use, but to get some personalised professional advice, call the Instatruck team on 01332 320540.  We’ll get to know your needs before comparing our markets to find you a great hauliers’ insurance quote.

No, but some clients may insist on you having cover in place.  If you have any employees you will need to have employers’ liability insurance place, either as a standalone policy or as part of your hauliers’ liability insurance
No, it’s suitable for anyone who is moving large amounts of other people’s goods for money to one or two destinations such as logistics, removals and certain types of delivery companies
We get asked this one a lot.  Generally speaking, couriers are expected to complete multiple drop-offs or collections whereas a haulage service will usually have one single load to collect or deliver.  Haulage insurance is also aimed at drivers using trucks or HGVs, though we can offer van haulage insurance too.
No, for that, you’ll need a truck insurance policy.  If you take out haulage insurance on an all-risks basis, it can cover things like trailers

Yes, typical ones include specific cargo such as human organs, livestock, explosives, or other high-risk items.  Claims may also be refused on the grounds of:

  • Poor/defective packaging
  • Shortage in weight
  • Thefts from unlocked, unattended vehicles
  • Damage that derives from dangerous driving
  • Confiscation by the police/authorities
Yes, so long as the vehicle is locked and parked in a secure place.  This is part of the care and custody element of the policy
No, haulage insurance is only suitable if you’re covering long distances making one or two deliveries, like an HGV driver travelling across the UK or Europe
Getting a haulage insurance quote from Instatruck is easy, you can call us on 01332 320540.  Thanks to our wide range of insurance providers, we can compare our markets to find you the cover you need at a premium you’ll like

Get An Haulage Insurance Quote

If you’d like some independent insurance help or a haulage insurance quote, call Instatruck on 01332 320540. We can give you all the advice you need and can compare our markets to find you the cover you require. 

Like Some Insurance Help?
If you’d like some fleet, truck, HGV goods in transit insurance or haulage insurance help or an insurance quote then please contact Instatruck on 01332 320540.  Our award-winning team of independent insurance brokers will be happy to give you all the help you need and provide you with a great value insurance quote.
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